What More Professionals Have To Say:
I studied under Dr. Louis Tinnin, a towering figure in the field of trauma research and treatment who has been described (by Bessel Van der Kolk) as "the greatest trauma mind of the 20th Century.
J. Eric Gentry PhD. "Forward Facing Trauma Therapy"
The therapeutic implications of the ITR concept are profound and are addressed in detail, providing theory and application of techniques that embrace both cognitive and non-verbal somatic/behavioral elements.
Robert Scaer, MDÂ Author of "The Body Bears the Burden", "The Trauma Spectrum", and "Eight Keys to Body-Brain Balance"
Whether acute or sustained, the effects of trauma on the brain can lead not only to anguish for the client but also to frustration for the clinician. These painful conditions, so often resistant to even the most sophisticated therapies, are now, thanks to the dedication of Drs. Tinnin and Gantt, able to be approached with a new and remarkably successful methodology. This is a model for responsible and effective care.
Judith A. Rubin, Ph.D., ATR-BC, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Emeritus Faculty, Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute
Instinctual Trauma Response allows for the gentle and rapid processing of haunting traumatic memories in a matter of days, not months or years. Their sensitivity and compassion, along with their exceptionally astute understanding of trauma and the healing process, have produced a significant breakthrough in the field of trauma treatment. I applaud their work, and enthusiastically recommend ITR to all those who treat and support survivors of trauma.
Glenn Schiraldi, Ph.D., LTC (USAR, Ret.)Â Â "The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook"
ITR is a cutting-edge approach to trauma care that is grounded in scientific theory and available evidence. This training provides practical applications through an ethical and accessible lens, making theory and practice available across client populations. Juliet King, Ph.D., ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC, Author of "Art Therapy, Trauma, and Neuroscience"  As an art therapist working with clients with trauma, the ITR has been a missing link to help them process and overcome traumatic experiences. I highly recommend this critical training. Our work is incomplete without it. Rebecca Wilkinson, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, LCPAT, Author of "Positive Art Therapy Theory and Practice: Integrating Positive Psychology with Art Therapy  Kids and adults come to me with very significant trauma histories and have complex consequences. I use ITR and it works tremendously in reducing their symptoms quickly and long-term. ITR is very adaptable and a game-changer for us working with trauma survivors. We used it as the primary modality for treatment at the Baltimore County Department of Social Services. I love the ITR. I urge other programs I work with to train their staff immediately in ITR. I think it will revolutionize mental health and trauma treatment.” Danni Davis, MSW, LCSW-C, CCSOTS, ITR-CT |
The ITR method is the most efficient, gentle and thorough therapeutic model and procedures, I have come across in training and in practice so far, to help integrate one’s trauma/stress history, and to help relieve one’s trauma- and stress-related consequences for the body, mind, and relationships. It gives me, and the people I work with, clarity and direction with therapeutic opportunities, goals, and tools needed for a tangible therapeutic outcome in the shortest possible (or available) time, given one’s scope of trauma/stress history and life context. It helps save time until relief by introducing procedures – neurobiologically and clinically sound, for each stage and aspect of trauma integration – that – for most people, my colleagues and I work with – allow to safely process the most impactful and foundational trauma without delay. Wisdom, compassion, and dignity best describe the inner workings of this model and practice.
It is an honor to work with the ITR method tools and witness clients be relieved from post-traumatic consequences and grow into their full potential. I am grateful to Dr. Linda Gantt and Dr. Louis Tinnin for their lifetime of work and their introduction to this approach.
Iryna Natalushko, MA, ITR-CTS, Art Therapist
"ITR is a comprehensive tool for treating trauma. Neurologically sound and effective. It is a groundbreaking healing agent for those with PTSD. Not only does it provide a tactile experience to rewiring neurological storage of the traumatic event, but it also provides tools such as Externalized Dialogue to follow the person into life to maintain and strengthen the new neural pathways ITR created for the person, alleviating them of their symptoms for good. Every client deserves the gift of ITR. |
Chelsey Marrow, LPCCS, ITR-CT
Learning the ITR has been an enriching experience. I am thankful for the opportunity to add this valuable skill to my toolbox. I am eager to share this process with clients and help them work through memories that are troubling and move to a place of peace.
Hilary Chermak, LCPC, ATR-BC, ITR-CTS
ITR works. It changes the client's experience with their trauma and moves them out of the trauma and into a place of being able to take control of the trauma, their lives and allows them to create space within themselves to think about what they want in life. It truly quiets the trauma and gives them the space they've been looking for to be able to live in the present and not in the past.
Melisa Baker, AT, ITR-CTS
There is no better method out there. This is the only one I will ever use. It’s the only one that has such powerful, lasting results and so quickly. It’s amazing and Dr Tinnin and Dr. Gantt are brilliant. Brain science has proven what they have been saying for years. I hope the rest of the field learns this. Our world will be a different place
Alexandria Zettler, PhD, ITR-CT, ATR-BC
I have been in private practice for 10 years and trained in several trauma modalities. I think ITR is unique in its clear and thorough understanding of trauma. The combination of key modalities, including grounding, narrative therapy, art therapy, focus on somatic symptoms, and parts work, keeps the client safe while deeply treating the trauma and creates transformation for the client. Most of all, ITR can be used in intensive trauma treatment, and broken down into segments and incorporated into weekly sessions, making it a powerful and very flexible trauma modality. The training is experiential, fun, and very focused. I walked away with a clear understanding of the method, confidence to implement it, and a toolbox of resources that are easy and exciting to use with clients.
Rivky Bertram, LCSW, ITR-CTS
The ITR training is an invaluable tool for any therapist- or human. In the training, I experienced relief from doing my own work as examples, which showed me this method really works and can be a game-changer for clients."
Amy Bucciarelli, MS., LMHC, ATR-BC, ITR-CTS
The ITR 101 through 103 is crucial training for any therapist who works with children or adults who have experienced trauma. It is literally an eye-opening approach that can HEAL trauma!Â
Jenni Atkins, LMSW (KidstoLove.org)
I really enjoyed this training. I was initially worried about digesting the material on a virtual platform, but the course worked well! This information brings home the important idea that trauma also impacts us in physiological ways, and provides succinct and useful activities that can be tailored to many age groups and populations.Â
Erica Carlson, LCSW-C
This will change how I interact therapeutically with anyone I come in contact with. It's a Game Changer.
Aisha Malek, LPCC
I am a current law enforcement officer and have been employed in various capacities in the criminal justice system for over 30 years. I am also a member of my police department's Peer Support Team. I was introduced to ITR at an FOP Peer-To-Peer Support meeting. Knowing ITR has added to the level of support I can give a colleague. I have found that the skill of being able to help “ground" and explain the ITR psychoeducation has been highly effective for my colleagues seeking mental health help or information. It is important for them to know that the feelings they are experiencing are not their fault and are a product of the brain's physiological response to trauma instead of "emotional or mental weakness”. I highly recommend ITR for first responders.
Roy G, Police Officer and Peer Support Provider
I am a police officer and have studied ITR. I use it all the time, not only for myself but for my peer support work. More officers come to me because they know that I can explain ITR psychoeducation. I can help them understand traumatic stress and how the brain and body work around it. This is very helpful and can save someone’s life! I would recommend ITR for anyone and I know that learning the basics will change someone’s work and family life for the better.
Melanie W, MBA, ITR-CTRT, Police Officer and Peer Support Provider
I was a participant in an ITR training. At the time, I had been on the job for 34 years, and like most police officers, I was leery of this therapeutic approach to trauma but remained open-minded. Once it is explained, what constitutes trauma, how the brain works and the impact an incident can have human beings, it provides a foundation for understanding and empathy for self and others, especially when working through an incident. It is done in such a sequence that it helps provide insight and understanding about the impact of a traumatic event that you might not have even realized.Â
In the last 8-plus years of my career, I had the honor of earning the trust of my fellow brothers and sisters in blue wrestling with mental health issues, substance use/addiction or in-crisis. Many of those that sought ITR treatment had the courage to share their stories and are now either formal or informal peer support members. Recognizing the detriment to repeated exposure to trauma, acknowledging our emotions/feelings (instead of suppressing & compartmentalizing) and therapeutically purging and processing a trauma will allow for a healthier you!
Sergeant C. W. Hart, Jr. (Retired) Peer Support Provider
“My wife went through a therapy program using this Instinctual Trauma Response program and had excellent results. It eliminated all her flashbacks, her panic attacks, and so on. It did what was being explained to her. Be careful about being critical until you understand more. This therapy will eventually be the standard for treating PTSD.”
- Charlie, 36Â Â
“The traumas are not on the forefront of my mind anymore. The treatment definitely worked in storing trauma from short to long-term memory.”
- Tom, 29Â
“I feel like a heavy weight that was resting on my shoulders has been lifted. I feel free from the anchor of depression that was holding me back. I just feel so relieved – I did not know that I could feel so uplifted!”
- Carol, 20
“I am more free to be myself, to be real with everything my life has held, and to allow myself to experience a full range of emotions regarding my life. ITR helped me put together various puzzle pieces I’d been looking at in counseling and couldn’t make sense of. Probably the biggest change is that I know it is a very good thing that I am alive and life is beautiful. There is a big change in my perspective.”
- Alexandra, 27Â Â
“Before I started ITR I was in talk therapy for a year. I switched therapists and my new therapist approached me with the idea of ITR. I didn’t believe in it but I was desperate to stop with nightmares, dissociation, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I was spiraling fast. After doing just a few Graphic Narratives and Externalized Dialogues, I gained amazing relief from the intrusive symptoms I had for years. It also gave me a heightened self-awareness. I would recommend ITR for anyone dealing with the effects of trauma and to try it first to save a lot of time, money, and anxiety!”
- Melanie, 31Â Â
“I feel so much freer and happier now and have been able to use tools I learned (grounding, external dialoging) to get through rough times. I am back on my “feet”, stronger than ever, enjoying a new line of work for now, many friends, life in general and perhaps most important: a much better sense of myself–all parts of myself that I now understand, accept guide and love.”
- Monica, 46Â Â

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